Kirsten S. Albo, Justin Reid and David Stevens
Accounting Standards

Kirsten S. Albo, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D is the founder of ASK KSA Consulting Inc., which helps SMPs save time and achieve peace of mind through consulting and advisory services related to conducting effective and efficient engagements and meeting the requirements of being in public practice.
Justin Reid, FCA specialises in providing audit training, consulting, and technical advice to SMPs across Australia and New Zealand. Justin also works closely with many of the Auditors General across both countries in the pursuit of audit quality.
David Stevens, CA consults to small, medium and large auditing firms in Australia on audit quality related matters and activities. He is also CaseWare Australia and New Zealand’s audit content subject matter expert.
Recent Blog Posts By Kirsten S. Albo, Justin Reid and David Stevens

Ready for the CSQM changes? Part three: monitoring and remediation
Part three of a three-part series on preparing your accounting firm for new SQM
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Ready for the CSQM changes? Part two: Designing your risk responses
In part two of a three-part series, Kirsten Albo, Justin Reid and David Stevens on preparing your accounting firm for the new suite of standards on quality management
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Ready for the CSQM changes? Part one: quality objectives and quality risks
In part one of a three-part series, establishing quality objectives and the importance of quality risk identification and assessment
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