

US audit watchdog censures KPMG Canada for repeatedly failing to accurately disclose who performed audits

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board levies US$700k against KPMG Canada, US$3.375 million in total against nine member firms of global network

In detailed report, PCAOB finds deficiencies in half of KPMG Canada audits inspected

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board found deficiencies in five out of 10 KPMG Canada audits it inspected in 2023 as well as issues of independence

The Undesignated Accounting Practitioner: Providing a pathway that serves businesses and the public interest

Many small businesses across Canada rely on accountants without designations for bookkeeping and corporate taxes — but non-designated firms lack oversight
Thought Leaders

Why accountants should recognize the bias in accounting standards and use it to our advantage

Accounting standards have focused on the balance sheet, says Philip Maguire, CPA, CA, yet the effort to match book value to market value has been a failure

PCAOB finds deficiencies two of three BDO Canada audits, including one non-principal engagement

The US audit watchdog inspection report details audits with unsupported opinions by BDO Canada and firm-identified instances of independence non-compliance

Public accounting regulator expands oversight powers

Bradley E. Berg and Sahil Kesar of Blakes review the first amendments to the regulatory rules of the Canadian Public Accountability Board in almost 20 years

CPAB censures Davidson & Company LLP for ‘numerous’ violations of independence rules

Vancouver-based accounting firm censured by Canadian Public Accountability Board based on information disclosed during inspection by US audit watchdog

Sunday News Roundup 24.10.27: St-Jean moved on, policing and property taxes, and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news
Thought Leaders

Cineplex’s $38.9 million fine is a wake-up call about corporate sustainability practices

Accounting professor Douglas A. Stuart asserts the Competition Bureau’s fine for drip pricing practices is just one example of sustainability mismanagement

What's wrong (and right) about professional development for accountants

Imagine four accountants on divergent career paths. Do current continuing professional development models serve both professionals and the public interest?

DMCL continues PCAOB audit inspection results with lower deficiency rates

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in the United States releases audit inspection results for Vancouver-based Dale Matheson Carr Hilton LaBonte LLP

US audit watchdog censures, fines Canadian accounting firms Crowe MacKay, Grant Thornton

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in the United States fines two Canadian auditors for violation of audit committee communications rules in audits

Second American accounting firm penalized by CPA Ontario over unlicensed audit work

The prosecution of BF Borgers and its principal by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario closes another chapter in the Canadian cannabis story

Two more accounting firms censured by Canadian audit watchdog thus far in 2024

Canadian Public Accountability Board prohibits Kingston Ross Pasnak and Macias Gini & O’Connell from accepting new medium and high-risk reporting issuers

US audit watchdog releases audit inspection reports for national accounting firms Deloitte Canada, MNP LLP

Is audit quality on the upswing in Canada? The US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board finds little fault in newly released Canadian audit inspections

BC accounting firm De Visser Gray censured and fined by US audit watchdog

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board notes repeated use of Canadian Professional Engagement Guide (PEG) audit programs for US audits

As Big Four foreign firms punished for exam cheating, PwC Canada fines put into perspective

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board hit KPMG Netherlands with a record US$25-million civil civil penalty for widespread improper answer sharing

Two of the Big Four accounting firms failed their audit inspections in 2023 — but we don’t know who

The Canadian Public Accountability Board says it will take at least two years before more transparency is provided as to which firms fail and which succeed
Thought Leaders

PwC Australia ethics breach: Differences in Canadian and Australian CPA regulation

Though similiar, there are important differences between Australian and Canadian professional rules of conduct explains accounting professor George Gonzalez

CPA Ontario fines Deloitte Canada partners over backdating of audit working papers

Five Deloitte partners to pay $40k each in fines and costs for manually overriding computer clocks to backdate audit working papers in multiple engagements

PCAOB finds fault with half of Ernst and Young Canada audits inspected

US audit watchdog inspection report details audits with multiple deficiencies and potential non-compliance with independence rules over financial relationships

Sunday News Roundup 24.02.25: Manning Elliott, Aphria ruling, sustainability standards and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

Sunday News Roundup 24.02.18: Fairfax’s financials, new trust rules and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

Mystery solved: How foreign accounting firms won big in new audit client gains and losses

Among the many curiosities of the 2022 new audit client gains and losses data were the prevalence of foreign firms and the dearth of cannabis companies

Canadian audit watchdog CPAB bans American accounting firm BF Borgers

The Canadian Public Accountability Board closed 2023 as it had begun — with an enforcement action against an American public accounting firm