Audit Analytics 2016 auditor change full report now available

Deep dive into SEDAR data offers surprising findings in Canadian audit profession
TORONTO – Who won (and lost) the most audit clients in Canada last year? A full report on audit client gains and losses, "Auditor Changes in Canada: 2016," has now been posted by U.S.-based firm Audit Analytics. The company released its findings to Canadian Accountant and our readers earlier this month, prior to the release of the full report, which we covered in "MNP Leads All Canadian Audit Firms in 2016 New Clients."
The full report provides business development and marketing personnel with a deep dive into the SEDAR data. Among the surprising findings. While overall, there were fewer auditor departures in 2016 than the previous year, three of the Big Four firms lost more clients than they gained in 2016, the main beneficiary of which was Canadian-based firm MNP LLP.
Canadian Accountant will continue to publish early-access coverage to Audit Analytics' Canadian reports throughout the coming year. By subscribing to our free weekly newsletter and special reports, you will receive early access to our coverage, prior to publication on our website.
Audit Analytics provides insight into the Canadian audit marketplace through market intelligence, due diligence, compliance monitoring and trend analysis. Its Canadian databases provide detailed research and expert analysis on nearly 4,000 companies filing with SEDAR.
Contact them at 508.476.7007, or
Colin Ellis is the editor-in-chief of Canadian Accountant.
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