Join the Canadian Accountant LinkedIn group

To celebrate Canada Day, we launched the Canadian Accountant LinkedIn group on July 1, 2017
HOW many LinkedIn groups do you belong to? How many of them speak directly to Chartered Professional Accountants and the accounting and finance professions in Canada?
Announcing the launch of the Canadian Accountant LinkedIn group!
The Canadian Accountant group is open to all accounting and finance professionals across Canada and those with an interest in the Canadian accounting profession. Students and aspiring accountants are also welcome.
In other words, we've thrown the doors wide open, for such a diverse and fascinating profession.
This is your group to post questions and comments about the profession, its standards and practices. There is no one group devoted to the Canadian accounting profession on LinkedIn, therefore, our mission is to provide accounting and finance content in a specifically Canadian context.
We launched on Canada Day, July 1, 2017. Join us and start the conversation.
Colin Ellis is the editor-in-chief of Canadian Accountant.
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