

Tax Court won't uphold gross-negligence penalties: Taxpayer not aware of accountant errors

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David Rotfleisch explains the case of Frank-Fort Construction in the Tax Court of Canada
Partner Posts

Three ways to grow and perfect your accounting practice

From streamlining the client onboarding process to developing a niche practice, there will be many ways to serve your accounting clients more efficiently as Canada moves to a post-pandemic economy

Alberta Court rejects CRA's duty of care to taxpayers

David Rotfleisch explains the Signal Hill Manufacturing case and duty of care
Thought Leaders

Tax relief for family business transfers: A legislative fiasco – Part II

In part two of a two-part series, Allan Lanthier outlines the strategy for legislative repeal and predicts what lies ahead for Bill C-208
Thought Leaders

Tax relief for family business transfers: A legislative fiasco – Part I

Bill C-208 has handed tax avoiders a new surplus stripping scheme on a silver platter explains tax expert Allan Lanthier in a two-part series

New opportunities for intergenerational transfers of businesses after enactment of Canada’s Bill C-208

Any transfer of a family business must be structured correctly to avoid re-assessment by the CRA, says Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David Rotfleisch
Thought Leaders

Our response to the CRA's position on creditor-proofing reorganizations – part 1

Doug S. Ewens and Kenneth Keung of Moodys Tax Law LLP in a three-part series on creditor-proofing reorganizations

Budget 2021 – Tax enforcement, audits, and oral interviews

If proposed legislative amendments receive Royal Assent, the Canada Revenue Agency will have the power to compel oral interviews

2021 updates for T1134: A Canadian tax lawyer's perspective

The T1134 has been updated to reflect legislation changes that allow the CRA to collect additional information and provide some reporting relief

Entrepreneurship report points to business opportunities for Canadian accountants

Nearly two million Canadians launched a business in the last 12 months
Partner Posts

How cloud-based software — and a human connection — can attract new SMB clients

Prospective new clients require your financial expertise, but they also need your understanding, explains Faye Pang, Canada Country Manager at Xero

Preparing for the new quality management standards: CSQM 1 system evaluation and monitoring

Part four of a four-part series from Kirsten S. Albo of ASK KSA Consulting Inc.