

CRA Operational Update: Ten Things You Need To Know

A CRA status update on tax controversy and dispute resolution from Stevan Novoselac and John Sorensen of Gowling WLG

Tax Court update on getting back to business – top ten takeaways

An update on the reopening of the Tax Court of Canada, by Stevan Novoselac and John Sorensen of Gowling WLG

The Tax Court Of Canada's new fast track settlement conference system, post the COVID-19 pandemic

Tax lawyer and accountant David Rotfleisch looks at the ramifications of trying to clear the Tax Court's backlog of cases
Thought Leaders

How to build a better Canada after COVID-19: Transform CERB into a basic annual income program

Most proposals for a basic annual income rest on a negative income tax, says Canadian economist Gregory C. Mason

Income tax reassessment periods – proposed changes

Aasim Hirji and Christopher Ellett of Moodys Tax Law are concerned about Bill C-17, the Time Limits and Other Periods Act (COVID-19)

A Canadian tax lawyer's perspective of tax audits of COVID-19 tax fraud claims

The government will be looking out for those attempting to abuse the system, says David Rotfleisch

St-Jean to replace Thomas as head of Canadian accounting profession

CPA Canada has announced the appointment of Charles-Antoine St-Jean its new president and CEO, replacing Joy Thomas

Duque V. The Queen: Analysis and comments on director's liability

David Rotfleisch on how the 2020 Federal Court of Appeal decision clarifies tax law for directors challenging an underlying assessment

The plan to reopen the Tax Court and the new fast track settlement conference system

Neil Bass and Josh Kumar of Aird & Berlis look at the Tax Court of Canada's new Fast Track Settlement Conference System

The taxpayer's onus of proof in tax litigation: A Canadian tax lawyer's analysis

Tax lawyer and accountant David Rotfleisch looks at the case law for taxpayers challenging the Canada Revenue Agency

Income splitting with family members

Prescribed rate loans and other tips for reducing taxes, by Gergely Hegedus and Keith Hennel of Dentons’ Edmonton Tax group

Here's a radical idea: Slash or temporarily eliminate business taxes if you truly want to juice the economy

Ottawa should stop picking business sector winners and losers says Aaron Wudrick of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Thought Leaders

Biden, Keystone XL and a Green New Deal could shake up Canada’s energy industry

A Green New Deal will simply serve to accelerate current business trends

Tax residence of Canadian airline pilots: No simple answer

Tax Court cases illustrate subtlety of determining tax residence

Civil penalties for third-party tax advisors

Ploughman v The Queen and its implications for Canadian accountants
Thought Leaders

Paying for the pandemic: Why the government’s massive coronavirus spending may not lead to higher taxes

Will pandemic debt require raising taxes and spending cuts in the future?

Editorial: Canada should zero-rate PPE for GST/HST purposes

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us PPE is essential and should be zero-rated, says Cyndee Todgham Cherniak of LexSage

Equity, deadline and when CRA is at fault

A Canadian tax lawyer analysis of Dutka v. The Queen

Loblaw wins appeal of $368 million Tax Court of Canada case

Decision benefits shareholders, pleases Loblaw, angers tax fairness advocates

Canadian post-pandemic economy to be tepid, says accounting firm RSM Canada

Monetary authorities have responded appropriately says The Real Economy
Thought Leaders

Restarting the coronavirus economy: 4 possible steps

The four phases of a potential post-pandemic Canadian economy

Tax disputes and tax filing and payment relief efforts in the age of COVID-19

Joseph A. Gill of McKercher LLP reviews changes to tax deadlines
Thought Leaders

Coronavirus disruption: A chance for businesses to adapt and renew

COVID-19 will create many new opportunities for businesses, says Felix Arndt

The Tax Court Of Canada tests a new procedure – The Preliminary Ruling Docket

2020 initiative driven by increased objections, case backlog
Thought Leaders

Coronavirus: Can Canada fiscally handle ‘black swan’ events?

Canada’s provincial debt levels are troubling, says Jerome Gessaroli