David J. Rotfleisch

Tax Law

David Rotfleisch

David J. Rotfleisch, CPA, CA, JD, is the founding Canadian tax lawyer of Rotfleisch & Samulovitch, P.C., a Toronto-based boutique income tax law firm (Taxpage.com). With over 30 years of experience as both a lawyer and chartered professional accountant, he has helped start-up businesses, resident and non-resident business owners and corporations with their tax planning, with will and estate planning, voluntary disclosures and tax dispute resolution including tax litigation. Contact David at david@taxpage.com.

Recent Blog Posts By David J. Rotfleisch

Tax obligations for foreign home buyers In Canada: Bakhtiari v British Columbia

Can a refugee avoid paying the foreign buyer’s tax on human rights grounds under the Canadian Constitution? David J Rotfleisch comments on the Bakhtiari case

Canadian taxpayers, beware: The CRA gets away with defective pleadings during tax litigation

In Canada v. Preston, the Federal Court of Appeal sided with the Canada Revenue Agency and overturned the Tax Court's decision, over the issue of assumptions

Are hybrid sales of private businesses still a viable tax planning tool for business owners?

David J Rotfleisch explores whether the Foix decision by the FCA radically undermines the tax benefits of a hybrid sale when selling a private business

A Canadian tax lawyer's guide to the In-Trust-For (ITF) Account

Canadian tax accountant and lawyer David J. Rotfleisch discusses ITFs, including tax implications, issues and alternatives to these unregistered investment accounts

Canadian taxpayer involved in a bad will investment scheme granted additional relief on accrued interest

Relief requests beyond the statute of limitation may still be available, depending on the circumstances, explains tax accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch

Tax fraud and tax evasion in the same case: Analysis of Regina v Reynolds

A case before the BC Supreme Court included violations of the Income Tax Act and Excise Tax Act explains Canadian accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch

SR&ED Tax Credits upheld by Tax Court Of Canada in Canafric Inc. v. The King

Developing new recipes qualifies for Scientific Research and Experimental Development credits, explains David J Rotfleisch, when you make frozen pies

CRA routinely disallows parking expense claims, even for life-threatening illnesses

It is not the Tax Court's job to provide equitable relief, David Rotflesich explains, as the Income Tax Act provides a bright-line test for medical expense tax credits

Benefits of paperless processing for taxpayers: Lessons for CRA from the IRS

Canadian taxpayers will benefit if the CRA follows the IRS in the paperless processing of income tax returns but not at the expense of customer service

Are CRA publications clear and easy to understand? Can Canadian taxpayers trust their information?

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotfleisch explains why taxpayers should not necessarily trust CRA publications such as folios, bulletins and circulars

Standards of tax statutes and tax caselaw must be respected in reply from CRA to taxpayers

The Hillcore Financial decision by the Tax Court Of Canada shows the importance of crafting tax pleadings that follow the rules says David J Rotfleisch

CRA's ex parte jeopardy order application must provide full and frank disclosure

Canadian tax accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch on a win in Federal Court in a high-profile tax case and a lack of full and frank disclosure from the CRA

Tax settlement In Canadian tax litigation: Challenges for Canadian taxpayers

Canada's courts say a CRA settlement must be principled and not a compromise, explains Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch

CRA to introduce new automatic tax filing system as many Canadians miss out on benefits

Tax filing and tax software groups have been actively discouraging the CRA and its U.S. equivalent, the IRS, from implementing automatic returns

Lawyer-client confidentiality may fail to protect end-product tax documents, says FCA

The BMO Nesbitt Burns decision draws a distinction between legal advice and end-product documents says tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotfleisch

How to legitimately defer the worst of Canada's departure tax when becoming a non-resident and moving to another country

The departure tax can create a substantial and unforeseen tax bill for the unaware emigrating taxpayer explains tax lawyer and accountant David J. Rotfleisch

Burden of proof for misrepresentation in tax reassessments is high — and rests with the CRA

In a recent Tax Court of Canada case, the Canada Revenue Agency's proof was flimsy, says Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch

GST/HST tax fraud is a ‘special operation' at the Canada Revenue Agency

It involves fraudulent refund claims, fake invoicing, and GST/HST evasion through off-the-books cash sales, explains tax lawyer and accountant David J. Rotfleisch

When the CRA reassessed a taxpayer's tax returns beyond the normal reassessment period

Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J. Rotfleisch explains how, in Goldhar v The King, a toy salesman successfully appealed a CRA reassessment

Trustees need to be prepared for new trust reporting rules

Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch explains the new trust reporting rules to take effect In the 2023 taxation year

When a tax-free savings account is a business & stripped of tax benefits

David J Rotfleisch comments on a recent Tax Court of Canada case

SR&ED: The CRA cannot use its civil tax audit power to gather information for a criminal investigation

David J Rotfleisch explains why the Federal Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the CRA in a Scientific Research and Experimental Development tax credits case

Sweet v Canada: Federal Court Of Canada certified privacy breach class action against CRA

Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch on the latest privacy class action lawsuit to be certified by the Federal Court of Canada

The reasonability requirement for administrative suspension of EFILE rights

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotfleisch on Virgen v Canada (Attorney General), a Federal Court decision in favour of an Ontario tax preparer

Rectification saves taxpayers from adverse tax consequences arising from drafting error

A KPMG tax planning document saved Sleep Country from the consequences of a numerical error, explains Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch