

Annual reports should inform society — not only those with a financial interest

Climate accounting standards an example of societal impact, explains Financial Accounting Professor Alan Jagolinzer

COVID-19: The economic wildcard of the Biden Administration

Canadian accounting, economic experts say COVID-19 will determine U.S. economic stimulus and recovery
Thought Leaders

Footing the COVID-19 bill: Economic case for tax hike on wealthy

How Canada compares to Western economies in terms of taxes and inequality

Which Canadian economic sectors will benefit from the Biden Administration?

The economic impact on Canada will depend on who controls the U.S. Senate, say expert Canadian accountants, economists

How would big tax hikes from Joe Biden affect Canada?

Canadian accounting, economic experts predict a tough road ahead for Biden
Transfer Pricing

AgraCity Ltd. v. The Queen, case study

Will recent CRA tax court losses result in the toughening of transfer pricing rules?

Free trade or tariffs? How the Biden Administration will affect Canadian, global trade

China the focus of U.S. policy, say Canadian accountants, economists
Thought Leaders

What Joe Biden’s climate plan means for Canada

Professor Robert O'Brien of McMaster University details three economic implications of the Biden climate plan
Thought Leaders

U.S. election results may suggest ethics no longer matter … just like in Canada

Thought leader Ako Ufodike, FCPA, FCGA on the importance of ethics to voters in Canada and the U.S.
Thought Leaders

Ant Group: why America is missing out on the biggest IPO in history

The biggest losers of the fight over Chinese audit transparency will be capital markets and investment funds says Daniel Broby
Thought Leaders

The weak dollar: why it won’t be replaced as global reserve currency

We should not expect a new financial order; the US dollar is soft but not for long

The CRA's pursuit of real estate data goes south of the border

Lost tax revenue in the real estate sector has been a key issue for the CRA, say David Piccolo and Jessica Bishara of TaxChambers LLP in Toronto.