

Tax changes a worry for retiring farmers

Farming advocates continue to oppose tax changes that would affect profits from the intergenerational sale of agricultural land despite mitigating measures

Six strategies to minimize probate fees in your estate plan

These succession planning strategies can be cost-effective and save large amounts of tax that would otherwise be payable upon admitting the will to probate

Sunday News Roundup 25.01.12: Bench accounting lessons, CPAB rule changes and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

Canada's top CEOs make 210 times more than the average worker

Capping the stock option tax deducation is a a decisive shift away from stock options as a means of compensation but the overall salary gap remains high

Taxpayer's failure to review tax return contributed to negligence, Tax Court Of Canada finds

The CRA can reassess a taxpayer beyond the normal reassessment period if tax return misrepresentations are due to carelessness, neglect or willful default

Case Commentary: Watts v the King, 2024 TCC 100 – Enhanced costs of litigation

A recent Tax Court of Canada judgment shows why litigants should be aware of all potential court costs asserts tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotfleisch

Canadian Accountant’s most popular accounting stories of 2024

From the benefits of a Trump presidency to CRA tax changes, here are the five articles and some honourable mentions that were read the most by accountants

MNP LLP closes year strong with major acquisition of 21 BDO Canada accounting firms

Homegrown national accounting firm MNP expands its presence in four provinces as a continuation of its ‘national in scope, local in focus’ growth strategy

Sunday News Roundup 24.12.22: CPA split, first sustainability standards, political chaos and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news
Thought Leaders

The carbon tax needs fixing, not axing — Canada needs a progressive carbon tax

A progressive tax that punished the wealthy for their outsized emissions would be more palatable than a flat steering tax that hurts low-income Canadians

What are a taxpayer's rights during an access to information and privacy (ATIP) request for their own tax records?

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotflesich looks at case law involving requests to the Canada Revenue Agency for disclosure of relevant records

Loupy's: Deemed self-assessment after GST/HST number cancellation

When a taxpayer ceases to be a GST/HST registrant, they can face a significant tax liability, as in the case of Loupy’s Restaurant before the Tax Court of Canada