

Canadian accountants win with stock option, non-GAAP rule delays

Morneau, securities regulators announce the need for more study

How are Canadian companies reporting cryptoassets?

New study from CBV Institute looks at financial reporting trends in cryptoassets

Canada's audit leaders hold roundtable

CPAB, OSFI co-host roundtable to discuss public confidence in audit quality

Big Four audit quality shows improvement in 2019

Auditing estimates remains a challenge says CPAB
Al Rosen

Worlds Apart: Supreme Court rulings vs. Canadian reporting standards

Investor protections have been stripped away, says Al Rosen
Thought Leaders

What Canada teaches us about internal controls

Public disclosure of material weakness dubious, says Robert Pozen
Al Rosen

Current value accounting is fuelling a Ponzi scheme market

IFRS is fundamentally extreme accrual accounting, says Al Rosen

Former Auditor General Sheila Fraser appointed to CPAB

Original activist auditor general joins national audit regulator
Al Rosen

Overwhelming evidence of IFRS failure

IFRS has led to Canadian financial manipulation, says columnist Al Rosen

Filling in the GAAPs

Implications of the CSA’s proposed non-GAAP disclosure rules, from the ICD Director Journal
Bridget Noonan

The new CSRS 4200, Compilation Engagements. Too much work?

How much work is really involved under the proposed new standard?
Al Rosen

British accounting scandals a warning to Canadians

Canadian regulators should not ignore corporate collapses in the U.K.