

Friday News Roundup 21.07.02: Bill C-208, DST opinions, CHRP calculator and more 

Wrapping up the odds and ends in this week’s Canadian accounting news

New opportunities for intergenerational transfers of businesses after enactment of Canada’s Bill C-208

Any transfer of a family business must be structured correctly to avoid re-assessment by the CRA, says Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David Rotfleisch

Taxing the Internet: An overview of Canada's approach to taxing the digital economy

Braek Urquhart and Elizabeth Egberts of BLG on the current patchwork of provincial and federal digital services tax rules
Thought Leaders

Our response to the CRA's position on creditor-proofing reorganizations – part 1

Doug S. Ewens and Kenneth Keung of Moodys Tax Law LLP in a three-part series on creditor-proofing reorganizations

Budget 2021 – Tax enforcement, audits, and oral interviews

If proposed legislative amendments receive Royal Assent, the Canada Revenue Agency will have the power to compel oral interviews

2021 updates for T1134: A Canadian tax lawyer's perspective

The T1134 has been updated to reflect legislation changes that allow the CRA to collect additional information and provide some reporting relief
Thought Leaders

G7 tax deal: if you think multinationals will be forced to pay more, you don’t understand tax avoidance

Anticipate new accounting ways around the rules, says Professor Ronen Palan

Dealing with Canada – Challenges and opportunities for global wealth and tax planners

Rahul Sharma and Jennifer A. N. Corak of Miller Thomson LLP present three common scenarios of non-Canadian or foreign trusts where Canada's Income Tax Act rules intersect with the international wealth planning of taxpayers

Maple Leafs GM vs CRA tax court ruling

Just in time for the playoffs, Dave Nonis scores a win in the Tax Court of Canada, six years after his dismissal as General Manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs

Post-Mortem Planning For Private Companies — Reconsidering Options For Triggering Capital Gains — Part II

Tax Planning For The Non-Specialist Advisor: In part two of a two-part series, Michael Goldberg looks at an alternative post-mortem PC Liquidation strategy he calls Spousal Rollover Liquidation Planning

How global tax dodging costs lives: New research shows a direct link to increased death rates

What is the human cost of revenue losses through tax avoidance and tax evasion?

Canadian tax professionals: A Canadian tax lawyer's guide

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J Rotfleisch breaks down the classifications and the kind of work done by Canadian tax professionals