
David J. Rotfleisch

CRA woeful disregard for taxpayer rights

Tax lawyer David Rotfleisch on latest Canada Revenue Agency communique

Why some Canadian accountants are wrong about estate freezes

Allan Lanthier responds to critics of his Financial Post article

Estate Freezes: Should they be legislated out of existence?

Most estate freezes are for legitimate succession planning, argues Kim G C Moody

When an accountant’s client is paying too much property tax

The next step may be an appeal … or no step at all

When can the CRA advance an alternative argument?

Subsection 152(9) of the Income Tax Act tips litigation in favour of the Crown

A taxpayer's rights to interest from the Canada Revenue Agency

A case comment on Glatt v Canada (National Revenue)

Can the CRA force a taxpayer to provide any document during a GST/HST audit?

The legal threshold is very low, says lawyer Cyndee Todgham Cherniak

Double-Dipping In Canada: MNE forward subscription structure

Prohibited by law or simply poor tax etiquette?

The CRA's ability to compel confidential reports

EY Canada, Atlas Tube Canada and the CRA's power to compel disclosure
Thought Leaders

Refundable tax credits would help alleviate poverty in Canada

They should be part of Canada’s national poverty reduction strategy
David J. Rotfleisch

Thoughts on the CRA and Canadian corporate tax gap

Are the numbers to be trusted? asks David J. Rotfleisch

Why accountants should question property tax assessments

Are your clients leaving money on the table?