

Canadian criminal tax evasion sentencing

A Brampton business owner was one of the few taxpayers to be sentenced in 2020

TFSA penalty relief: A Canadian tax lawyer's guidance

The CRA acted unreasonably in a recent TFSA overcontribution case

Corporation tax: ‘race to bottom’ may be ending after 40 years — here’s why it never made sense

The Canadian corporate tax rate follows decades-long global pattern of reduction

CRA moves forward with international audits despite continued backlog

Despite the current pandemic, Canada continues to combat international tax evasion, reports Elizabeth Egberts and Laurie Goldbach of BLG
Thought Leaders

A brief history on the unpleasant subject of taxes

The story of income tax is rooted in war, explains Vern Krishna, FCGA, FCPA, CM, QC of TaxChambers LLP in Toronto

Are you ready for your CEWS audit?

Anu Nijhawan, Martin Sorensen, and Hennadiy Kutsenko of Bennett Jones LLP on preparing for a CRA CEWS audit

Tax search warrants per Income Tax Act

In certain circumstances, solicitor-client privilege may be available for accountant-client correspondence

Ontario in second COVID-19 state of emergency. Tax Court of Canada shuts down again

The last Tax Court decision involved another CRA transfer pricing case: Dow Chemical Canada ULC v. The Queen

RRSP Meltdown Strategy: A Canadian tax lawyer's tax guidance

Tax lawyer and accountant David Rotfleisch looks at a unique retirement financial strategy to create tax neutrality on RRSP withdrawals

CRA eyeing influencers, video game streamers for unreported taxes

Canadian influencers earn millions and the CRA wants its cut, says tax accountant and lawyer David Rotfleisch
Thought Leaders

Footing the COVID-19 bill: Economic case for tax hike on wealthy

How Canada compares to Western economies in terms of taxes and inequality

How would big tax hikes from Joe Biden affect Canada?

Canadian accounting, economic experts predict a tough road ahead for Biden

Friday News Roundup 20.12.18: CERB turmoil, tax gaps and havens, and more

Wrapping up the odds and ends in this week’s Canadian accounting news
Transfer Pricing

AgraCity Ltd. v. The Queen, case study

Will recent CRA tax court losses result in the toughening of transfer pricing rules?
Thought Leaders

Advocates applauded as Canada zero-rates tax on face masks, shields

Cyndee Todgham Cherniak an early advocate of zero-rated PPE
Partner Posts

Understanding wage subsidies at year-end

Rachel Fisch of Wagepoint on TWS & CEWS compliance in time for 2020 year-end

Are net wealth taxes what Canada needs to manage its growing deficit?

A wealth tax isn’t a silver bullet says Fred O'Riordan, EY Canada Tax Policy Leader
Thought Leaders

Canada should repeal the small business deduction

There is little evidence supporting the efficacy of the SBD, says Allan Lanthier

Why is the CRA targeting temporary labour agencies?

The Canada Revenue Agency believes many agencies engage in fraudulent tax schemes

Updates to CERS, CEWS & CEBA

Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J. Rotfleisch reviews recent updates to government support

Should Canada have a wealth tax: lessons learned

Wealth taxes are not new – and many countries that had them have abandoned them, says Margaret R. O'Sullivan of O'Sullivan Estate Lawyers LLP

CRA operational update - Ten things you need to know (Fall 2020)

Stevan Novoselac of Gowling WLG on the October update from the CRA

No elation when rectification takes a vacation

John A. Sorensen of Gowling WLG looks at the recent rejection of a rectification application as retroactive tax planning

Deducting motor vehicle expenses: Gardner v The Queen

A recent Tax Court decision provides guidance for taxpayers working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic

Toronto employment agency owner sentenced for tax fraud

The CRA may have an ongoing project to scrutinize staffing agencies and their clients, says Canadian tax lawyer and accountant David J. Rotfleisch