

Friday News Roundup 20.12.18: CERB turmoil, tax gaps and havens, and more

Wrapping up the odds and ends in this week’s Canadian accounting news

Free trade or tariffs? How the Biden Administration will affect Canadian, global trade

China the focus of U.S. policy, say Canadian accountants, economists

Despite COVID-19, Canadians to spend more this holiday season, says CPA Canada

2020 survey: More shopping online, less travel and entertainment

Friday News Roundup 20.12.11: CERB regrets, MNP Mindbridge, carbon taxes and more

Wrapping up the odds and ends in this week’s Canadian accounting news
Thought Leaders

Canada’s fiscal update falls short in facing climate change and income inequality

A passing pandemic grade but no urgency in the Throne Speech update

Building back better: How the Canadian economy can recover from COVID-19

The fifth and final part of our economic series featuring Craig Alexander, Dimitry Anastakis, Douglas Porter and Avery Shenfeld

What will the Canadian economy look like post-pandemic?

Part four in our series: How will the Canadian economy recover from COVID-19?

Friday News Roundup 20.11.27: CRA evasion, CERB iniquities, White Rose and more

Wrapping up the odds and ends in this week’s Canadian accounting news

Will higher taxes help the Canadian economy recover from COVID-19?

In part three of our five-part series, Canadian economists weigh in on post-pandemic taxation

Canadian pension plan CEOs call for adoption of SASB, TCFD

Joint statement on leveraging standardized sustainability accounting standards

CPA Canada launches financial podcast for small business owners

Ontario government provides financial support for financial literacy toolkit

Why is the CRA targeting temporary labour agencies?

The Canada Revenue Agency believes many agencies engage in fraudulent tax schemes