

The RPA Women Entrepreneur Awards: Celebrating women entrepreneurs for Small Business Week

Personal narratives are more than just tales of success; they are blueprints for entrepreneurs to follow, says Registered Professional Accountant Jim Green
Partner Posts

Accelerating the CPA’s role in the innovation economy: Sattwica Goyal’s Innovation Leadership Accelerator experience

How CPA Ontario’s exclusive Innovation Leadership Accelerator program is helping chartered professional accountants accelerate their career trajectories
Thought Leaders

Why do some organizations’ boards fail? The answer might lie in how directors perceive their expertise and responsibilities

Board directors develop their own oversight style and interpretations of responsibilities says accounting Professor Oriane Couchoux, PhD, CPA

Corporate leadership: Why the tone at the top has moral consequences

CPA Michael Rousseau of Air Canada is but one example of corporate leaders failing to set the tone at the top

Zoom work relationships are a lot harder to build – unless you can pick up on colleagues’ nonverbal cues

Two important ways employees can overcome the downside of video meetings

Canadians taking household budget action, says CPA Canada finance study

Comprehensive 2020 Canadian Finance Study part of Financial Literacy Month

Communications: The critical role of accountants during the COVID-19 outbreak

Clients are looking to their accountants for financial information and more during the coronavirus crisis

Pamela Steer, FCPA, FCA, named Canada’s CFO of the Year

CFO steers Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board past controversy

Finalists announced for chief financial officer award

Canada's CFO of the Year™ Award honours senior financial executives, CPAs

How motivation can drive your success as a CPA

Motivation is one of the three principal factors in achieving success, says Robert Gagnon, CPA, CA

The importance of being human in a career dominated by numbers

Maximize your potential and your value, says Gavin Rouble of The 2% Factor

Tenets of Good Corporate Governance examined in new ACCA report

New report in tenets series helps businesses consider corporate governance in relation to long-term future