
Thought Leaders

An ethical workplace culture can prevent corporate fraud by aiding whistleblowers

Four Canadian accounting professors say corporate codes of conduct can offset the failures of audit committees in helping to prevent fraud

Three out of four ain’t bad: CPAB 2022 interim audit inspections report

Canadian audit regulator reveals progress ongoing at Big Four problem child

Sunday News Roundup 22.10.23: Fines, settlements, jail and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

KPMG Canada sanctioned by US audit watchdog for failing to disclose unregistered accounting firm

PCAOB shows "renewed vigilance" over the use of non-registered firms locally

PwC Canada gets clean inspection report from US audit watchdog PCAOB

Why accounting firms cannot celebrate a similar regulatory achievement in Canada

Sunday News Roundup 22.10.02: Audit regulation, the power to compel, and more Canadian accounting news 

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news
Thought Leaders

If accounting had been invented in the 21st century, would we do the same again?

Nick A. Shepherd on the constraints of accounting in the knowlege economy

US audit watchdog PCAOB censures Vancouver public accounting firm

Hay & Watson barred by Public Company Accounting Oversight Board over backdating of files related to California oil & gas company

Ready for the CSQM changes? Part three: monitoring and remediation

Part three of a three-part series on preparing your accounting firm for new SQM

Ready for the CSQM changes? Part two: Designing your risk responses

In part two of a three-part series, Kirsten Albo, Justin Reid and David Stevens on preparing your accounting firm for the new suite of standards on quality management

Ready for the CSQM changes? Part one: quality objectives and quality risks

In part one of a three-part series, establishing quality objectives and the importance of quality risk identification and assessment

US audit watchdog publishes four new Canadian accounting firm inspection reports

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board inspection reports provide unique transparency into Canadian audit deficiency commonalities
Thought Leaders

Valuing your workforce: Why the accounting profession should focus on intangibles, not operating costs

Nick A. Shepherd on assessing the value of a workforce in an asset-light economy

PCAOB publishes three Canadian accounting firm inspection reports

US audit regulator provides transparency into Canadian audit deficiencies

We called it: Former CPA Canada head appointed ISSB regional director

Charles-Antoine St-Jean appointed Regional Director—Americas of the International Sustainability Standards Board — an appointment we predicted

Sunday News Roundup 22.06.19: CSSB, Supreme Court tax dissent, vax policies and more Canadian accounting news 

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news
Thought Leaders

Most companies buying renewable energy certificates aren’t actually reducing emissions

Accounting sustainability standards must change say academics

Sunday News Roundup 22.06.05: Global accounting seismic changes, CPA reports, M&A and more 

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news
Thought Leaders

Canada faces huge physical costs from climate change, making net zero a great investment

Tackling climate change more than pays for itself say new finance study

Sunday News Roundup 22.05.22: Big Four audit split, accounting standards setter goes global, and more 

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

CPAB: No gap in Canadian audit watchdog’s fraud thematic review

Canadian Public Accountability Board publishes recommendations for auditors amidst global scrutiny of fraud detection failures

Is Canada’s audit watchdog ready to bare its teeth?

The Canadian Public Accountability Board says it's planning changes to its disclosure practices amidst media scrutiny and changing best practices
Thought Leaders

Why Canadian accountants are needed in human capital reporting

Nick Shepherd explains why a recent corporate case shows the financial cost of ignoring HR intangible assets
Thought Leaders

Everyone should have a say on the future of green accounting

Canada may adopt international sustainability reporting rules that focus on investors, not the public, warn three Canadian accounting professors

Letters: ASC at the forefront of climate change-related disclosure

Alberta Securities Commission Chair & CEO Stan Magidson responds to oilpatch lending crunch article by Robert Ascah of Parkland Institute