

Mandatory audit firm rotation fails to deliver on goals

Global audit market study from Source Global Research provides Canadian ammunition
Al Rosen

It’s time to get serious about the future of Canadian auditing

Why invest in Canadian companies given recent court rulings?

Federal Court upholds CRA audit powers

Charter Challenge: Campbell v Attorney General of Canada, 2018 FC 683

Auditors owed no duty of care to client's clients in Lavender

Ontario Court of Appeal decision reaffirms limits to auditor liability

CPA Canada federal climate change pact counters sustainability criticism

Natural Resources Canada to split cost of $1.45 million awareness initiative

Fraud Blotter: Former Manitoba CPA sentenced to six years in prison

Our roundup of recent accounting fraud allegations and sentencing
Al Rosen

Stark regulatory differences between Canada and U.S. belie claims of audit independence

There’s a difference between good audit reviews and good audits, says Al Rosen

Most Canadian companies haven't started lease accounting transition

Smaller Firms Lagging Behind; Organizations Experiencing Multiple Challenges

New Deloitte Canada report stresses stakeholder role in financial reporting quality

A new report from the Deloitte Institute for Audit Innovation and Quality reinforces the need for all parties to contribute to quality financial reporting

Canadian accountant Kevin Dancey to steer global standard-setter IFAC

Former CPA Canada head appointed, as international financial, securities bodies challenge global audit standards oversight

CPA Accounting Standards Update

Livestreaming for CPD, effective dates, CAS for SMEs, and support for standardized non-GAAP

Changing of the guard at the Canadian Public Accountability Board

CPAB has announced the appointment of CEO Carol Paradine to succeed Brian Hunt

Teck Resources: The Best in Sustainability Reporting

Teck Resources won top global honours for its sustainability reporting in 2017

Integrated reporting creating new opportunities for CPA profession

Non-traditional reporting is aligning with the overall disclosure controls of companies today, says KPMG

Financial Reporting Excellence in a World of Voluntary Reporting

CPA Canada’s 2017 Awards of Excellence in Corporate Reporting

The 21st century appeal of integrated reporting

KPMG says voluntary reporting is growing. The positives outweigh the negatives, says IFAC's deputy chair

Auditors Beware: How Lavender v Miller Bernstein increased audit liability

Investors can rely on a report without ever seeing it, says professional liability lawyer James Lane

Audit regulator reports fewer inspection findings for Big Four in 2017

Auditors must watch for pervasive risk of management bias

NOCLAR raises many questions from Canadian accountants

Chartered Professional Accountants weigh in on the challenges of complying with a new ethics standard

NOCLAR demands careful weighing by Canadian Accountants

New IESBA ethics standard addresses client confidentiality vs. public interest

Ethics and trust in a digital age

New ACCA report offers scenarios and solutions to digital ethical challenges

CPA Canada building on sustainability, climate change initiatives

National accounting body supports Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project as part of the Prince of Wales's Charities Foundation
Bridget Noonan

Quality Assurance: How CSQC 1 can provide real value to your accounting firm

Breaking down the seven requirements in the Canadian Standard on Quality Control 1

Recent news from Canada's accounting standards boards

A proposed new standard on public private partnerships from the PSAB leads off our updates

CPA Canada supports globally consistent climate-related financial reporting

Even as the Trump administration dismisses global warming, an international task force has laid the groundwork for consistent global reporting standards