
David J. Rotfleisch

The death of treaty shopping?

Following the signing of the BEPS MLI in Paris this week, tax lawyer David J. Rotfleisch predicts the imminent demise of treaty shopping

Canada signs historic OECD international tax treaty

Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting ratified

A trust deficit: Five surprises from the G20 Public Trust in Tax survey

The Canadian tax system is suffering from a serious trust deficit. So say the numbers in a recent global survey

Practitioners angered by hasty CRA notice of assessments

Accounting practitioners have long complained that the wheels of the CRA move too slowly. But in the case of NOAs, they're moving too fast
David J. Rotfleisch

The CRA & KPMG: Far from a sweetheart deal

The deal offered to KPMG's clients is the deal I would have expected, says David Rotfleisch