

Carbon Tax: Correction demanded for 'big error' in carbon price report

A recent PBO report overestimated the real costs of the carbon tax because it mistakenly included the impact of industrial carbon prices on individual Canadians

Sunday News Roundup 24.05.26: KPMG new boss, double tax fiasco, firm dealbook and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news
Thought Leaders

Why the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion is a bad deal for Canadians — and the world

Taxpayers are on the hook for an economically disastrous Faustian bargain that will burden future generations of Canadians as it contributes to climate chaos

Federal Court Of Appeal overturns GAAR assessment on the existence of alternative transactions

Canadian tax accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch explains why the FCA quashed a Tax Court of Canada decision involving a CRA GAAR abuse analysis

Federal Budget 2024 — Proposed Changes to Capital Gains Rules

Greg Farano of Gardiner Roberts LLP does a deep dive into the details of capital gains rule changes that may create uncertainty for taxpayers and their advisers

Sunday News Roundup 24.05.19: Shambolic tenant tax crisis, Poilievre capital gains op-ed, and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

Case Commentary: Persaud v The King — When can you claim tax deductions (Including medical bills) for dependants?

Tax residence is key, says Canadian tax accountant and lawyer David J Rotfleisch, to claiming medical expense deductions for dependents under the Income Tax Act
Thought Leaders

Economic growth tops the priority list for Canadian policymakers — here’s why

There's nothing wrong with challenging our assumptions, say academics from the University of Saskatchewan, but interest rates are higher than growth rates

Tax Court Of Canada rejects CRA's attempt to apply gross-negligence penalties in statute-barred years

Canadian accountant and tax lawyer David J Rotfleisch looks at the case of an Alberta restauranteur and an inheritance in Fuhr v. The King

Sunday News Roundup 24.04.28: More capital gains, more audit powers, and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news

Queen's profs weigh in on federal budget

Two Queen's University professors question whether the Liberals have thought through the implications of their changes to capital gains taxation

Sunday News Roundup 24.04.21 PwC layoffs, MNP BC turmoil, and more Canadian accounting news

Wrapping up the odds and ends from the past week in Canadian accounting news