

Canada 150: Five things you didn't know about the history of accounting in Canada

The history of accounting in Canada is as rich and varied as the history of Canada

Another Great Year? How one MD&A levelled Home Capital

Class-action lawsuit naming two CPAs slated to be settled by Home Capital

Part Three, Seismic Shift: Community concern

SME practitioners claim consolidation is happening across Canada, with implications for the communities they serve. Part three of a three-part special report focuses on the impact of consolidation

Part Two, Seismic Shift: Bulking up at the big firms

SME practitioners claim consolidation is happening across Canada, with implications for the communities they serve. Part two of a three-part special report

Part One, Seismic Shift: public practice consolidation

SME practitioners claim consolidation is happening across Canada, with implications for the communities they serve. Part one of a three-part special report

A trust deficit: Five surprises from the G20 Public Trust in Tax survey

The Canadian tax system is suffering from a serious trust deficit. So say the numbers in a recent global survey
Thought Leaders

Ian Lee: From the Panama Papers to capital gains

CBC Television personality Ian Lee of the Sprott School of Business is outspoken on the subject of taxation in Canada

What is Canadian Accountant?

Canadian Accountant is a news website devoted to the accounting profession in Canada. We are Canada's independent news source for the accounting profession